Thursday, March 1, 2012

American Idol Top 25 Performances

This week AI goes from the top 25 down to the top 13. I was way off on my pick of who the judges would bring back on the boys side. I still like Jermaine, I just don't think AI is right for him.

It's way too hard to pick who will be in the top 5 for the boys. I'll just tell who I liked and who I didn't.

The boys:

Reed Grimm - I still think he's too showy and Broadway-esque for AI.

Adam Brock - Eh. I wasn't feeling it. I get it - he thinks he has a large black woman trapped inside him. It's not Aretha Franklin though.

DeAndre Brackensick - Cousin It!! I like when he mixes up his falsetto with his regular singing voice, so this didn't do anything for me.

Colton Dixon - Love him. I was hoping he would go far this year. The song choice was fine, but ink he went overboard with the performance. I hope (pray) he sticks around for a while.

Jeremy Rosado - He's very nice, kinda cute, and I like his voice. I didn't like the song choice, so.. I don't know.

Aaron Marcellus - It was alright.

Chase Likens - I like his voice but he picked the wrong song to show off his voice.

Creighton Fraker - I liked this. I'm not sure if he is AI material though.

Philip Phillips - Oh I like this guy. I want him to be around for a while. I liked his performance.

Eben Franckewitz - Wrong song choice. Really bad with weak vocals. That's too bad.

Heejun Han - I love him but this song didn't show off his vocals very well. He can sing so much better than this.

Joshua Ledet - This was a good performance. Great vocals.

Jermaine Jones - I like the big fella.

And the girls:

Chelsea Sorrell - Karaoke version of Cowboy Casanova. Yuk.

Erika Van Pelt - I like her performance. Wish she would have picked a different song. How many times was this song on AI last year? A lot.

Jen Hirsh - Eeks. Her voice sounded off. I didn't like this at all.

Brielle Von Hugel - It starts really weak. Then it's just okay. I don't know how much experience she has sitting of the dock of the bay since she's only 16...

Hallie Day - I wasn't feeling good after hearing this.

Skyler Laine - She's alright. Country rock chick. Got it.

Baylie Brown - Painful to hear. More painful to watch. Someone grab the hook and pull her off the stage!

Hollie Cavanagh - It's pretty good. Does she sing anything other than ballads? I still like her performance.

Haley Johnsen - Terrible version of Sweet Dreams. Egads terrible.

Shannon Magrane - Love her! Reminds me of Carrie Underwood. Great vocals on this performance. And it doesn't hurt that her dad used to be a Cardinal back in the day.

Jessica Sanchez - Damn that girl can sing. What vocal problems????

Elise Testone - It was alright. I thought her voice sounded a little off tonight.

2 amazingly long hours tonight. Couldn't they fit it in like a 30 minute show? That would give me 1 1/2 to do something - anything - else.

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