I love all kinds of music. I get into ruts now and then and I search for something new and/or different. I also have a tendency to have my new favorites on repeat, or I just keep returning to them to hear them again. I watched Bandslam last weekend, and while it was an okay movie, I really (really) had one song stuck in my head all week. So I found it and I listened to it today on repeat for about 3 hours. Seriously. I just wasn't in the mood to listen to anything else. Oh, the song is 'Pretend' by Scott Porter.
I also purchased Civil Twilight's new CD. While technically not 'new' since it was available originally as download only on Itunes, I still had to have the actual CD in my hands. And the CD version has 3 more songs. I love it!! I listen to it a lot.

Someone else I really enjoy is Scott Clifton. I originally knew him as Dillon Quartermaine on General Hospital. He just finished a storyline on One Life To Live, and I have no idea where he'll show up next.

I've known about his music since he started on GH, and I purchased his first 2 CDs. When he came out with his 3rd CD, I didn't purchase it immediately, thinking that I would get it later. Then it slipped my mind, and then a few weeks ago I decided it was time to get the newest CD. I went to his website and it was listed as sold out!!! So I contacted the person in charge, and they replied that Scott said he's sorry, but they're all gone. I was bummed. For about a day. Until I received an email from this guy : Jeff Pescetto. That would be Scott's producer. He offered me a copy of the new CD. So I jumped at the opportunity to get it, sent him the money, and a week later I had the CD in my hot little hands. It's so good!! I am so glad that the producer went out of his way to make sure I received this CD that I wanted so badly. I really appreciate it.