I am so so very happy that Colton Dixon is back baby! Loved him last year and was sad to see him cut so early. Hopefully he sticks around this year. I think his sister Schyler is still around too...

LOVE Philip Phillips. (Why would you subject your child to the name Philip Phillips. And he's a Jr. It's baffling to me.) Hope he sticks around!

Shannon Magrane. I only have a few female contestants that I like and she is one of them.

And Heejun Han is hilarious! I love his voice, but his whole laid back attitude makes me love him even more.

My husband likes both Jen Hirsh and Lauren Gray.

I didn't care for Creighton Fraker at first. But I like him more after last nights performance.

Reed Grimm is alright.. but he's a little too show tuney for me. He has a big personality that is good for performing, but dude, you called your mommy last night and cried. Dude.

Eben Franckewitz (please don't compare him to Justin Bieber) has a good voice, but he might be too young to hang with the others.

Johnny Keyser looks like Jonathan Rhys Meyers! FYI - That is JRM on the left, Johnny on the right. I like Johnny Keyser's voice, but he needs to get ahold of himself. He's getting too big for his britches. That could be a huge downfall.

Notable Mention: Ethan Jones didn't make it past the first round in Hollywood.