I turned on the tv and as I flipped through the channels I came across the Joy Behar show on HLN. Joy and her guests were talking about People's Sexiest Man Alive 2009. One of the women guests suggested Robert Pattinson should have won instead. Danny Bonaduce busts in with his opinion - he thinks Robert looks like Tori Spelling!! Then Danny goes on about how Robert's eyes are on the side of his head. Joy told him he better watch out or Robert will come on Danny's show and kick his ass. So Danny thinks that would be good for his ratings, and then invites Robert onto his show. He says "Robert, you're welcome to come on my show any time and kick my ass."
Oh, how I wish Robert were a violent person and would go and kick that loudmouth's butt!!! LOL
My husband and I went to see New Moon earlier. They showed the trailer for Robert's movie Remember Me. My husband even commented that it looks like it may be a good movie. So I may actually get him to take me to the movies again before Eclipse comes out. LOL
I am going to say a few things about New Moon, nothing too spoilerish (especially if you have read the books), but if you haven't seen the movie yet, come back and read this later!!
It was boring. Long and boring. I think my husband almost dozed off. The soundtrack sucks. I didn't listen to the soundtrack prior to viewing the movie. I am a loooooong way from my teenage angst years, so these songs really do nothing for me. The background music sucks. The movie tried waaaay too hard to be intense and dramatic. I feel they tried to cram in all of the good dialog from the book, and in doing so, they left out a lot of the smaller things that contributed to the flow of the storyline. I wasn't all that impressed - it's kind of a let down after all the hype. I guess I just expected so much more. I tried really hard to love this movie. I want to love this movie. But it was just okay. And that makes me very sad.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon made history at the box office Friday, with midnight showings racking up $26.3 million in ticket sales.
**Edited to add: Just so no one thinks I am freaking retarded and hated New Moon, I have a few more things to say. While the wolfie special effects weren't all that great, they were what I expected (if you've seen the "Jacob, RUN!!!" trailer, that's what you get.) I love the Volturi scenes, although they all looked weird and not at all scary and powerful. I loved the fight scene between Edward and Felix. That was pretty cool. And I LOVED the cliffhanger ending (and the very loud collective gasp from the audience). That was hilarious!! I feel the movie could have been so much more. There were long silent moments where nothing really happens. A lot of the scenes are really boring and long, especially scenes that are supposed to be very emotional - it's like they tried to cram as many good lines from the book into these scenes, and it just made them fall flat. I found myself thinking "Just say the line already and move along to the next scene..." And these long boring scenes are made more boring by the lack of motion or movement by the characters. They literally stand looking at each other saying their lines without moving at all. Well, they DO move their lips, but nothing else. It's supposed to be emotional, so EMOTE!!!
Overall, while I found New Moon to be semi-boring, I'd still rate it a B-. I liked it, I just didn't love it. And I am pleased I was able to see it on opening day.