I can't believe we are down to the Top 4 already. Needless to say, I was quite upset when Colton left. I only cried a
And loving Phillip more than ever. Last week wasn't so good performance wise. I was just thankful that my
But this week? Oh holy hell I loved his second song, Volcano. That was Phillip's BEST performance so far. Did you see it? Do you want to see it again? Here it is in all it's glorious hotness.....
I really liked the whole setup they had going on with just Phillip and his guitar and the cello and the singer... just perfect! Even better than the original version.

Again this week we had some funky duets. With 2 guys and 2 girls left you would think they could manage 2 boy/girl duets. But no, let's make this as weird as possible and pair up the boys...... last week it was just so so very wrong. But this week I enjoyed Phillip and Joshua singing This Love. They sounded pretty good, and it was very funny and slightly entertaining.
But the funniest moment of the night was Phillip and Joshua on the 'swings' after Hollie and Jessica performed. Hilarious!

Cut to Julian Lennon in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved Julian Lennon back in the day..... Well, you know, a long long time ago when he had records out and songs on the radio and my best friend and I went to see him in concert. Cuz you know that what the closest I was ever going to get to seeing The Beatles, so yeah.