Be sure to check where Santa is!! You can already watch videos of Santa delivering presents, he is one fast big dude. We have checked Santa's progress for years. My kids are too old now, but they really enjoyed it when they were younger. So gather the kids and go to:
NORAD Santa Tracker
Merry Christmas!! My daughter is downstairs singing "White Christmas" because it is snowing, and yeah, we're having a white Christmas. Hopefully the roads will not be too terrible and we can make it to my parent's house and home again safely today.
I have been having a wonderful time sewing things for my Etsy shop. It's really weird knowing that I have little pieces of 'me' out there all over the world. I always hope that whoever is out there with my items enjoys using them as much as I enjoy making them.
Speaking of my Etsy shop, thank you to everyone who has purchased from me. I really appreciate it. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, I hope you all are able to spend time with your family and loved ones, and I hope you enjoy your presents (even if it's an ugly sweater or a rock hard fruitcake, just smile and pretend!!).