I've been listening to Drive Like Cullens podcast thanks to Lee Ann. It's a lot better than some of the other Twilight podcasts I've attempted to listen to. It's pretty easy to listen to and follow.
I must take this time to announce that I'm not fond of IPods. Maybe I should say that I don't care about them, or care if you have one, because they just don't impress me. I have a Sansa Fuze that I just love. My daughter has a Sansa Clip. My son has an older model Sansa. And my husband has a Zune (that we can't seem to fill up!!). To me, IPod is just a name brand, and I've never heard anything about it that impresses me all that much. Which is why I have my Fuze.
So I made something yesterday to fit an MP3 player in. It even has a little pocket for your headphones!! And a velcro closure so your stuff doesn't fall out. And it's Robert Pattinson. What more could you ask for????