Rock n Roll Hall of Fame songs last night on AI. I think the potential for choosing an incredible song is very high.
Jacob Lusk - Changed from his original song (Let's Get It On) to Michael Jackson's Man In The Mirror. Great decision. Jacob sang it very well.
Haley Reinhart sang “Piece of My Heart” by Janis Joplin. I know she only picked this song because the judges keep telling her they like the Janis Joplin like quality of her voice. I don't think she has connected with any song so far this season.
Casey Abrams does “Have You Ever Seen the Rain” by CCR. It was alright, but he's back to the growling and weird stuff. I actually like Casey, but he should still be worried after that performance.
Lauren Alaina sings “You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman”. I'm not sure she's old enough to pull off this song. It was okay, but not great.
James Durbin has chosen “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” by George Harrison. Wow. I really loved this. James has a really nice voice, and the big note (scream) at the end was well placed and just perfect. Way to go!!
Scotty McCreery sings “That’s All Right Mama” by Elvis Presley. Another great performance. Scotty has a really great voice. It was weird, because at one point I was listening (and not watching) and Scotty had a little hip-hoppy flavor going on. I thought it was just me until Jennifer commented on it. Great performance.
Pia Toscano chose “River Deep Mountain High”. I had to take the dog out to poo, so I didn't really get to hear this one. I don't think I missed much. Pia does nothing for me.
Stefano Langone sang “When a Man Loves a Woman”, and it was pretty good. He has a really great voice, but he really needs to open his eyes and connect with the song and the audience. He needs to remember he's not at home singing in his shower anymore. Sing to the audience.
Paul McDonald performs last tonight singing “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash. I don't know about this guy. His singing voice is just too weird. And it's SO different from his natural talking voice. How does he do that? I don't think this was a great performance. Were the judges pimping his performance to try to keep him around longer?
Last week I correctly guessed 2 of the bottom 3. This week I think the bottom 3 may be Jacob (just because he had the first spot tonight), Stefano (even though I like him), Paul (although he may bounce back after being in the bottom 3 last week), and Haley (I'd rather Pia go than Haley). That's 4 choices for the bottom 3 because I just don't know. No one had that really terrible performance that makes you think they have really got to go this week.