The official description of Dakota Skye might not draw in viewers - it sounds really corny. I decided to watch it after it kept showing up in my suggestions on Netflix. If you have Netflix, it's available for instant viewing - which is why I watched it last night after trick-or-treating. I liked that the whole 'superpower' aspect is seriously downplayed throughout the movie. It's basically a movie about coming of age and learning who - and HOW - to trust. The characters seem very real, have great chemistry, most of the acting was terrific, and it has a really good soundtrack. It does start off a little slow, but it starts picking up after about 30 minutes, and there is some really terrific (but sporadic) cinematography. Probably best enjoyed by those in their late-teens and early twenties who can easily relate to the high school age drama, but I really enjoyed it (and I'm 41).