This is, of course, from my favorite quote ever. I'm sure everyone has seen Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. Pooh wishes everyone he encounters a Happy Winds-day. When Pooh wishes Owl a happy Winds-day, Owl says "I wouldn't go so far as to call it a Winds-day. Just a gentle Spring Zephyr." You can see this part HERE on YouTube at 4:55.
My husband tells me Happy Winds-day every Wednesday, and I reply "I wouldn't go so far as to call it a Winds-day. Just a gentle Spring Zephyr." The kids get tired of hearing it, but we still laugh about it. And today it really IS windy!! It's 46 degrees out with 20 MPH winds.... brrrrr. Great day to start the World Series in St. Louis!!!!

WooHoo I hope I don't jinx them!! I am beyond nervous. I can't believe after making it into the playoffs on THE last day of the regular season, The Cardinals are in the World Series. Gah. I just really have a feeling that this will be a tough series. I am making no claims that the Cardinals will walk all over the Rangers. I wish they would. I hope they can. I would love to see it.
I'm not a fair weather fan. My husband stopped watching the games when they were 10 1/2 games out. I, however, continued watching every single game. My husband has come back around since they made it into the playoffs, and NOW he is all pumped up about the World Series. I hope HE doesn't jinx them!

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