Gah. An entire year until Breaking Dawn Part 1 is released. It seems like a long time to wait between Eclipse and BD. A year and a half. If you think about it, the first 3 movies (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse) were released within a year and a half of each other. Personally, I think it is too long between movies. I wonder if the same amount of interest will be there a year from now.
The Eclipse DVD will be released on December 4. I haven't compared features from the different places that will have the DVD available. I will probably go with the Target version though, since that is where I picked up Twilight and New Moon, and I was pleased with the 'extras'. And then I can watch it for the second time. Yeah, that's right. My husband and I were completely late to the party on this movie. It was literally the last showing of Eclipse in any theatre around here. So we had no opportunity to view it more than once. I would have liked to have seen it one more time in the theatre, unlike Twilight and New Moon, which we really had no desire to see more than once.

Then I will be having a movie marathon. Watch Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse back to back. Overload? Probably. But I think I can handle it.
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