Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Twilight In My Life

I just had to share this!! I found it extremely funny. Twilight: The Lost Script

I've started my collection of Twilight Trading Cards. It was a freebie, and possibly the ONLY card I will be getting. Unless my husband comes up with the idea to get me an entire carton so that I can have each and every card... Nah, not gonna happen. I got my freebie from and it arrived in a little over a week.

I wonder why no one likes my Rob Pattinson zippered pouches? They are both hotness. Maybe that's it. They are too hot to carry around. Or maybe someone feels they will be seen with their Rob pouch and it will cause a commotion and harm may come to themselves or to their Rob pouch. That's the theory I am going with anyway.

Don't forget to reply to the contest post below (not here). WINNER'S CHOICE of a zippered pouch!!! Free is always good.

1 comment:

  1. No, they are great, too! (The Rob pouches.) You pick the best pictures for all the ones you make. What an awesome idea, they are selling like crazy. Maybe he just got left behind because of the you said :)
