Every Christmas season my family heads over to
Dan's Emerald Forest to see the wonderful display. My parents still live in the house where we grew up, which is in the same town as Dan's house, so it's never hard finding time to visit both. Usually we pick an awful cold day to visit my parent's and make the side trip to Dan's to see what is new. This year was no exception. It was 32 degrees with a slight breeze and a few sprinkles. Chilly. Actually, our local FOX news was live at Dan's the Wednesday before our visit. We had really strong winds that day, knocking down lighting displays all over town, and the wind kept the trains off the track at Dan's.

We've been taking the kids every year since they were little. The kids love seeing what is new and what they remember from the year before. You can always find something that you've never seen before. My husband always has a hundred questions for Dan. He likes to hear the dirty details of how the changes occurred since the previous year.
I was a bit sad - due to the rain sprinkles the drive-in theatre was movieless. There is usually a small flat screen tv that serves as the movie screen. Here you can see the cars pointing in one direction with nothing to watch. Last year I think 'It's A Wonderful Life' was playing.

New this year - or should I say returning this year - was the ski slope. But I don't think the little gondolas were running up and down the side of the ski slope. At least I don't remember them moving at all.