I am sewing today. YAY!!! Both of my kids starting feeling like crap last Sunday evening. They ended up not going to school Monday thru Thursday. Both have strep, and my son has a terrible ear infection. By Friday I had my fill of 2 crabby, whiny kids, and a very cute puppy (dog?).
I didn't get any sewing done, but I did manage to read quite a lot since we were all laying about the house.
I finished All You Get Is Me by Yvonne Prinz.
I read The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta.
I also read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen.
Then I reread my copy of If I Stay by Gayle Forman, because I received my copy of Where She Went and I had to refresh my memory before digging in. I am 3/4 done with Where She Went, and I am afraid to finish it. If they don't end up together after all this angst, I might have to strangle someone.
The winner of last Sunday's Freebie cute little Farmer's Market zipper pouch is Angela. Please email me with your shipping address and I will get that out to you. My son picked the winner. This is what he usually looks like - love the headset.